Weight Loss & Wellness


Have you been struggling with weight loss? Tried many remedies to no avail? JLucas Nutrition offers several realistic weight loss approaches to help you to achieve long-term weight loss success. Choose from one of the following weight loss meal plan options to begin weight loss, that stays off! 7-Day Weight Loss Meal Plan, 28-Day Weight Loss Plan for Men or for Women.

Stay ahead of your health, uplift your wellness and reduce risk for disease with these meal options. Take control of your health and choose from one of the following health, wellness & disease management meal plans: Mediterranean, Low Cholesterol, Heart Healthy and Low Sodium, Vegetarian.

7 day Mediterranean Meal Plan

Calorie ranges available:
1300, 1500, 1700, 1900, 2100, 2300
(Calorie ranges are determined based upon weight, weight goal, age, height and activity level)

Balanced ratios:
50%, 20%, 30%

The Mediterranean Template is the perfect template if you are looking for a heart-healthy eating plan. This Template incorporates the basics of healthy eating in addition to those eating habits traditionally found in the countries surrounding the Mediterranean. You will find this Template rich in fruits and vegetables, whole grains and other healthy starches such as legumes and beans. In addition, it contains generous amounts of healthy fats, especially the heart healthy monounsaturated fats, by including foods such as olive oil, fish, nuts and seeds and limiting poultry and red meats.

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28 day Low Cholesterol Diet Meal Plan

Calorie ranges available:
1500, 1700, 2000
(Calorie ranges are determined based upon weight, weight goal, age, height and activity level)

Balanced ratios:
65% Carbohydrates, 20% Protein, 15% Fat

The average American diet consists of 510 mg of dietary cholesterol per day. The Low Cholesterol template provides intake averages less than 120 mg per day for the seven-day period. These menus contain plenty of fiber-rich foods including grains and vegetables which will help in lowering LDL levels (bad cholesterol) and triglycerides. By combining a regular exercise program with these templates one can raise HDL (good cholesterol) levels and prevent future health problems. The primary source of proteins comes from fish and poultry. Meals are distributed between 5 to 6 meals each day to boost metabolism.

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28 day True Paleo Auto Immune Meal Plan

Calorie ranges available:
1300, 1500, 1700, 1900, 2100, 2400
(Calorie ranges are determined based upon weight, weight goal, age, height and activity level)

Balanced ratios:
25% Carbohydrates, 25% Protein, 50% Fat

There are a few extra foods, like nightshade plants, nuts, seeds and egg whites, in addition to the standard Paleo diet, that one needs to avoid if dealing with an autoimmune issue. Here’s an easy way to get the hang of your new healthy eating plan to help get you as healthy as you can be, and focus on everything you can eat, rather than feeling like you’re in food jail!

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28 day Weight Loss Meal Plan

Calorie ranges available:
1300, 1400, 1600, 1700, 1900, 2100
(Calorie ranges are determined based upon weight, weight goal, age, height and activity level)

Balanced ratios:
50% Carbohydrate, 35% Protein, 15% Fat

The Weight Loss meal plan has been designed to yield fast results by combining the cleanest (low in fats), highest quality foods possible distributed between 5 to 6 meals each day to boost metabolism. Protein sources are provided by lean meats such as chicken, turkey and fish. This meal plan may be somewhat limited in variety but has been clinically proven to shed weight quickly when combined with a regular exercise routine consisting of cardiovascular exercises to burn calories and resistance exercises to maintain muscle tissue.

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28 day Weight Loss Plan for Men

Calorie ranges available:
1300, 1500, 1700, 1900, 2100, 2300
(Calorie ranges are determined based upon weight, weight goal, age, height and activity level)

Balanced ratios:
45% Carbohydrates, 25% Protein, 30% Fat

The Weight Loss meal plan is very popular amongst male and female fitness enthusiasts to burn fat and maintain muscle. The Weight Loss meal plan has been designed to yield fast results by combining the cleanest (low in fats), highest quality foods possible distributed between 5 to 6 meals each day to boost metabolism. Protein sources are provided by lean meats such as chicken, turkey and fish. This meal plan has been clinically proven to shed weight quickly when combined with a regular exercise routine consisting of cardiovascular exercises to burn calories and resistance exercises to maintain muscle tissue.

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28 day Weight Loss Plan for Women

Calorie ranges available:
1300, 1500, 1700, 1900, 2100, 2300
(Calorie ranges are determined based upon weight, weight goal, age, height and activity level)

Balanced ratios:
45% Carbohydrates, 25% Protein, 30% Fat

The Weight Loss meal plan is very popular amongst male and female fitness enthusiasts to burn fat and maintain muscle. The Weight Loss meal plan has been designed to yield fast results by combining the cleanest (low in fats), highest quality foods possible distributed between 5 to 6 meals each day to boost metabolism. Protein sources are provided by lean meats such as chicken, turkey and fish. This meal plan has been clinically proven to shed weight quickly when combined with a regular exercise routine consisting of cardiovascular exercises to burn calories and resistance exercises to maintain muscle tissue.

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28 day True Paleo FODMAP Meal Plan

Calorie ranges available:
1300, 1500, 1700, 1900, 2100, 2400
(Calorie ranges are determined based upon weight, weight goal, age, height and activity level)

Balanced ratios:
20% Carbohydrates, 30% Protein, 50% Fat

There are a few extra foods, in addition to the standard Paleo diet, that one needs to avoid if following a low FODMAP diet. Here’s an easy way to get the hang of your new healthy eating plan to help get you as healthy as you can be and put an end to GI distress from eating certain foods.

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28 day True Paleo Pescatarian Meal Plan

Calorie ranges available:
1300, 1500, 1700, 1900, 2100, 2400
(Calorie ranges are determined based upon weight, weight goal, age, height and activity level)

Balanced ratios:
25% Carbohydrates, 25% Protein, 50% Fat

Interested in Paleo but not keen on eating meat or poultry? Not a problem. We can rely on a variety of wild fish to provide high quality protein without compromising nutrition.

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7 day Rapper's Delight

A hip-hop & healthy twist to common breakfast, lunch and dinner dishes for health and fitness! Provides a balanced ratio of protein, fat and carbohydrates to support lean body mass, muscle and to support fat loss. Comes with 21 hip-hop themed recipes inspired by one of your favorite hip hop artist. Start following the Rapper's Delight meal plan today to start seeing Simple, Real, Results!

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These Templates should ALWAYS be used in conjunction WITH proper nutritional counseling from a qualified professional such as a registered dietitian or doctor. Nutritional guidelines and proper education is vital to the success and safety of the program