Customized Meal Plans


JLucas Nutrition can provide a customized, tailor fit meal plan for your specific nutrition needs. Whether you would like to enhance sports or exercise performance, improve your health, lose weight, or gain muscle, JLucas Nutrition can build the right plan for you! Choose from a 7-day or 28-day meal plan or you can choose the 7-day JLucas Nutrition Lean & Shredded Meal Plan to help build a shredded physique!

7-day Customized Meal Plan

Receive a one-on-one 60 min. nutrition counseling session with JLucasnutrition have your current food intake analyzed for calorie, protein, fat and carbohydrate and nutrient intake. Identify areas of change to help improve your health, wellness and energy level. Also receive a customized 7 day diet plan based upon your personal food preferences, tailored to your needs, whether it is weight loss, lean body mass gain, improving athletic performance, reducing risk for disease or managing diabetes.


Receive a personalized 7 day meal plan consistent with the same foods and supplements that JLucas Nutrition consumes on a daily basis. This is a lean & shredded plan, designed for those who work out and are looking to lose belly fat and increase lean body mass. Get started today, sign up and receive your 7 day JLucas Nutrition Lean & Shredded Meal Plan

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28-day Customized Meal Plan

Receive a one-on-one 60 min. nutrition counseling session with JLucasnutrition have your current food intake analyzed for calorie, protein, fat and carbohydrate and nutrient intake. Identify areas of change to help improve your health, wellness and energy level. Also receive a customized 28 day diet plan based upon your personal food preferences, tailored to your needs, whether it is weight loss, lean body mass gain, improving athletic performance, reducing risk for disease or managing diabetes.

Sign Up Now


These Templates should ALWAYS be used in conjunction WITH proper nutritional counseling from a qualified professional such as a registered dietitian or doctor. Nutritional guidelines and proper education is vital to the success and safety of the program